Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How does the modern toilet bowl affects your health?

All the people from around the world used to perform their physiological needs in a natural way, meaning in the common squatting position for thousands of years. Constipation, hemorrhoids, intestinal cancer or Crohn`s disease were unfamiliar to them. However, modern technology introduced new way of emptying your intestines- the sitting toilet bowls.
Unfortunately, latest studies have shown evidence that this position is associated with a number of health issues.



1. Modern toilets bring a line of disease
According to a study published in an Israeli magazine called “Journal of Medical Sciences” , the squatting position while emptying your intestines is the principal cause of diseases such as: Hemorrhoids
Intestinal inflammations
Colon cancer
Pelvic diseases
Crohn’s disease
Scientists state:
“The frequency of intestinal diseases (hemorrhoids, constipation, appendix inflammation, polyps, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome) is similar in South African white males and in the populations of rich Western countries. In the rural areas with traditional lifestyle, these diseases are very rare or almost unfamiliar”.

2. Modern toilets contribute towards the development of hemorrhoids
Generally, hemorrhoids occur due to an inflamed vein located in the lower part of the colon and the anus. But also, they commonly appear as a result of straining during defecation particularly in people who have a harder stool. The sitting position leads to a weaker and slower defecation. That kind of position also requires a greater straining. On the other hand, emptying the intestines while squatting is much faster and simpler and you almost don’t need any straining.


3. They worsen the intestinal inflammation
Furthermore, this position allows tightening of the Tuborectalis muscle which prevents a total defecation. The content that remains in the intestines can be a good foundation for infection development and can cause inflammation and even cancer. Crohn’s syndrome belongs to the group of IBD- inflammatory disease. Actually, it is an nflammatory autoimmune disease of the intestines, in which the immunological composition of the organism attacks the person’s digestive system.

4. They develop urinary infections
Squatting position is also recommended for emptying the bladder as well. for example, women urinate much easier when in squatting position. In the sitting position, on the other hand, the bladder is never completely emptied so it allows holding of the urine and leaves a space for bacteria development which can further lead to infections of the urinary tract.

5. Connection to heart attack
There is a real connection between heart attack and stroke incidence and defecation in sitting position. Namely, many heart attacks and deaths happen precisely in bathrooms. Israeli doctor, Berko Sikirov spent more than 20 years in analyzing the consequences of excessive straining during defecation in a sitting position.

6. Menstrual problems and toxic shock (TSS)
Performing of physiological needs in a squatting position involves a complete pressure of the pelvis. This allows the urinary bladder to emptys easily, but also the contents from the uterus during the menstrual cycle. Sitting position on the other hand, lacks of natural “pressing”, and a part of the menstrual liquid remains inside the uterus. A longer blood retention can lead to development of a great amount of bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, which can result with a toxic shock (TSS).

7. Japanese people still “squat”
It is commonly known that Japan is a technological giant. However, they still use squat toilets which represent an essential part of every bathroom, particularly in the elder population. Apart from health and hygienic benefits which the squatting position offers, Japanese people simply love it because it “saves them time”.

8. Squat chair

To practice intestinal emptying and urinating in a squatting position, bring your body into a position similar to squatting in the following way: put a special squat chair under your legs during sitting on your toilet bowl.

source: http://archiengi.com/how-does-the-toilet-bowl-destroy-your-health?pageno=2

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