Wednesday, July 30, 2014

How much protein do we need to build strength and mass

People often fail to meet their strength due to a lack of planning in the dietary aspects of the training sphere.
Goals are not enough, they have to be associated to an action plan.

It is a myth that 21 days are necessary to change an habit, the scientific research points out that it takes at least 66 days for the average person to install an habit.

From experience, whether you want to gain muscle mass and strength, the first goal you should establish is how much protein you should eat in a day. For males, who aim at increasing muscle mass and strength gains, if you only train once a day, 2 g a kg should be more than enough (for women 1.2g /kg of bodyweight).

With Olympic level athletes in strength sports who train up to 5 times a day, that value can climb up to 3.3 g/kg in accumulation phases, where they are increasing the cross-section. However, athletes that reach those needs in protein are about as rare as lawyers who under bill their clients!

That total protein amount should be spread out over 5 to 6 intakes a day, including any peri-workout intake (during/post). Of course the quality of the protein matters. You can’t compare 40 grams of baloney protein to 40 grams of bison protein.

In closing, to grow you will need a minimum of 40% of your calories coming from carbs in the diet. Higher intakes are indicated when one has great insulin sensitivity and has the training volume to validate it. Again for most of the readers, 40% is probably better.

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